China and Iran sign 25-year comprehensive cooperation agreement

China International Television Station (CGTN) reported on March 27 that on Saturday, local time, China and Iran formally signed a 25-year agreement that includes political, strategic and economic cooperation. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif signed the document in Tehran.


News from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on March 27: On March 27, 2021 local time, Iranian President Rouhani met with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tehran.

Wang Yi conveyed President Xi Jinping’s cordial greetings and New Year wishes to Rouhani, and thanked Iran for its warm and thoughtful reception to China during Nowruz (Iranian New Year). Wang Yi said that the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership has withstood the test of the changing international situation. No matter how the world situation changes, China's willingness to develop Sino-Iranian relations will not change. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The comprehensive cooperation plan signed today will make an overall plan for the promotion of China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership. It will not only benefit the two peoples, but also contribute to the maintenance of regional and world peace.

Wang Yi said that China firmly supports Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty and national dignity, and supports Iran in safeguarding its own development path. Regardless of the past, present and future, China opposes unreasonable unilateral sanctions imposed on Iran by the outside world. Any unilateral sanctions violate international law. In particular, sanctions based on lies and false information are a provocation to human conscience, loss of morality, and unpopularity. China is willing to work with Iran and the people of other countries in opposing acts of power hegemony, safeguarding international fairness and justice, and safeguarding the basic norms of international relations.


Wang Yi pointed out that now is the time to seriously reflect on the negative consequences of external interference on the regional situation, and work together to explore effective ways to maintain the long-term stability of the region. The core of China’s five-point initiative to achieve security and stability in the Middle East is to call on regional countries to uphold the attitude of ownership, promote the spirit of independence, get rid of the interference of geopolitical competition, seek a development path that suits the national conditions of the region, and establish a security structure that meets the interests of regional countries. China is willing to work with countries in the region to this end.

Rouhani asked Wang Yi to convey his sincere greetings and best wishes to President Xi Jinping. Rouhani said that all sectors of Iraq regard China as its most important cooperative partner. President Xi Jinping's successful visit to Iran in 2016 has promoted the rapid development of Iran-China relations. The signing of the comprehensive cooperation plan between the two countries will further clarify the roadmap for future cooperation between Iran and China. Iran hopes to strengthen anti-epidemic cooperation with China, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and advance anti-terrorism cooperation. Iran and China have the same or similar positions on regional and international issues. The Iranian side advocates solving problems through dialogue, and hopes to further strengthen cooperation with China on safeguarding regional security.

Rouhani said that the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue is a multilateral agreement. The United States should not have any preconditions for resuming the implementation of the agreement and should take action first. Iran appreciates China's important role in safeguarding the JCPOA and is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China.

Wang Yi said that the comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue is an important multilateralist achievement reached through hard work. The unilateral withdrawal of the former US government from the Iran nuclear agreement created a bad precedent for non-compliance with international agreements, which was unanimously condemned by the international community. The new US government hopes to return to a comprehensive agreement, and we welcome it. China believes that upholding the JCPOA means upholding multilateralism and upholding the authority of the UN Security Council. The comprehensive agreement is not a revolving door. The United States should reflect on the damage to regional peace and international stability caused by the withdrawal of the comprehensive agreement, and reflect on the losses it has caused to relevant countries. The unilateral sanctions on Iran should be lifted as soon as possible, and the long-arm jurisdiction measures against China, including China, should be lifted.

On the same day, Wang Yi also met with Larijani, adviser to the Iranian Supreme Leader, and held talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif.



From: Damavand

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